PK ÚšOBagFreeSpaceCounter/PK wƒO8¡ú{{+BagFreeSpaceCounter/BagFreeSpaceCounter.lualocal frame = CreateFrame( "Frame" ) local NORMAL_BAG = 0 -- Non-profession bag type ID local numFreeSlots = -1 local BagLabel = MainMenuBarBackpackButton:CreateFontString( "BagFreeSlotLabel", "OVERLAY", "GameTooltipText" ) --BagLabel:SetFont( "Fonts\\FRIZQT__.TTF", 14, "THINOUTLINE" ) --BagLabel:SetFont( "Fonts\\MORPHEUS.TTF", 14, "THINOUTLINE" ) BagLabel:SetFont( "Fonts\\ARIALN.TTF", 14, "THINOUTLINE" ) BagLabel:SetPoint( "BOTTOM", 0, 3 ) BagLabel:SetTextColor( 1, 1, 1 ) local function CountFreeSlots() local totalFreeSlots = 0 for i=0, NUM_BAG_SLOTS do local freeCount, bagType = GetContainerNumFreeSlots( i ) if bagType == NORMAL_BAG then totalFreeSlots = totalFreeSlots + freeCount end end return totalFreeSlots end local function UpdateBagCountLabel() BagLabel:SetFormattedText( "(%d)", numFreeSlots ) --BagLabel:SetText( "(" .. numFreeSlots .. ")" ) end local function BagChanged( self, event, bagID ) if event == "PLAYER_LOGIN" then numFreeSlots = CountFreeSlots() UpdateBagCountLabel() return end -- BAG_UPDATE: arg1 is the ID of the modified container -- Ignore the bank containers if bagID < 0 or bagID > NUM_BAG_SLOTS then return end local totalFreeSlots = CountFreeSlots() if numFreeSlots ~= totalFreeSlots then numFreeSlots = totalFreeSlots UpdateBagCountLabel() end end local function Init() frame:SetScript( "OnEvent", BagChanged ) frame:RegisterEvent( "BAG_UPDATE" ) --frame:RegisterEvent( "UNIT_INVENTORY_CHANGED" ) -- necessary? frame:RegisterEvent( "PLAYER_LOGIN" ) end Init() BagChanged( nil, nil, 0 ) PK ›™OƒÕ9鯯+BagFreeSpaceCounter/BagFreeSpaceCounter.toc## Interface: 11302 ## Version: 1.0.2 ## Title: BagFreeSpaceCounter ## Notes: Displays the amount of unused inventory space ## Author: Bytespire BagFreeSpaceCounter.luaPKIiD#âk‚“ZWOWGLOBAL.RU -  ¤¤®­ë ¤«ï WoW, ®¤¨­ ¨§ «ãçè¨å ᠩ⮢ á  ¤¤®­ ¬¨ ¤«ï wow ¢ RUnete.url.url‹öÌ+I-ÊK- ÎÈ/*I.-‰åå ò±Í())°Ò×/Ï/OÏÉOJÌÑ+*ååòÍOÉLËLM±51p6535p±0wµt¶40t2äåòtñÉ,.±ååòÈ/ñN­´5à劮600024q4Ð2 „3Œ&fµ@+Šò Œm -uŒx¹PK ÚšO$ BagFreeSpaceCounter/ ¦b¹\Õ¦b¹\Õ±\ü¸\ÕPK wƒO8¡ú{{+$ 2BagFreeSpaceCounter/BagFreeSpaceCounter.lua §y•Š \Õ¦b¹\Õ¦b¹\ÕPK ›™OƒÕ9鯯+$ öBagFreeSpaceCounter/BagFreeSpaceCounter.toc ¢Óœ·\Õ¦b¹\Õ¦b¹\ÕPKIiD#âk‚“Z îWOWGLOBAL.RU -  ¤¤®­ë ¤«ï WoW, ®¤¨­ ¨§ «ãçè¨å ᠩ⮢ á  ¤¤®­ ¬¨ ¤«ï wow ¢ RUnete.url.urlPKèè